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What is custom software development and why does your company need it?

There comes a time in a company or department when off-the-shelf software just won’t cut it anymore.  This is when you need to start thinking about creating your own custom software to ensure that you are not left behind!

If you’re already considering designing your own bespoke software , here are a few things you will want to think about…

How your company will benefit from using customised software

Improving business efficiency and accuracy through integration and automation

Teams and departments often need to collaborate on projects.  A system that allows collaboration prevents the operational silos that lead to duplication of tasks, wasting time and money.

Only you know exactly how your company rolls – Save time and eliminate mistakes through better integration and automation of tasks.

Get a current system that accommodates growth

Growing data volumes that come with an expanding company require extra storage and data processing capabilities.  Outdated software might not have access to cloud storage, nor will it be able to capture and process data with speed. Time to upgrade to your own custom package!

Increased Security

Customised software is a harder to hack.  Hackers are not familiar with it making you less of a target.  Not to mention, additional security layers can be added to the software to make it more secure.

Greater ROI

Customisation reduces costs in the long run while increasing profits (woohoo!)  As unlike off-the shelf software;

  • Payment of annual/monthly license fees will not be necessary,
  • You’ll eliminate redundancies, leading to better use of work hours and lower payroll,
  • You’ll have access to better quality data which will lead to better inventory, marketing and sales decisions

Gain competitive advantage

Software that is designed to serve your business’s unique requirements will give you an edge over competitors.  Why use the same inefficient software that everyone else is using?

Receive dedicated support

Direct communication with your software developer means that you can expect your questions to be answered and receive dedicated support when addressing any performance issues to you with your custom software.  You don’t get this benefit with out-of-the-box software!

Bottom line

To assess whether your company needs your own custom software, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are your current applications outdated, slow in performance and in constant need of fixing?
  • Could your processes run better with new software?
  • Do your current software applications perform every task you want them to?
  • Are you looking for greater connectivity and collaboration in your departments?
  • Are there tasks that are duplicated across different offices and can they be centralised with a new system?
  • Do your competitors have better software?
  • Are inefficiencies causing your company to bleed money?

The answers to these questions will give you an indication of how much your company will  benefit from using custom software.


Custom Software - Create your own well oiled machine